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·  a deeper look  ·

hands shape, nature dresses

We are approaching the end of a year nobody will ever forget: 2020. 

We have been asking ourselves what to say to all the people we are in contact with to wish a happy New Year and Christmas.

We don’t know what to say, so we choose the silence accompanied by the present of this digital book of the multifaceted Icon MARIA shaped between hands and dressed in woods and marbles from all over the world.

You can download the book.
Only subscribers have access to high definition for printing.

26 thoughts on “hands shape, nature dresses”

  1. Uma beleza incontornável…
    Neste dia, nesta noite, acabando de rezar o terço, a vossa mensagem é o melhor presente de Natal! Vem de Maria… vem do Senhor…
    Muito obrigada.

  2. We had booked to visit Italy and the beautiful Maria exhibition in May of this year, it was cancelled due to lockdown here in the UK and Italy. We are hoping to be able to come in 2021 now.
    God Bless Italy the UK and the World
    God Bless you and us all
    With love and prayers ??

  3. Moltes gràcies! Bon Nadal i millor 2021, el 2020 ens ha regalat temps de introspecció per a valorar què i qui s’ho val. Gràcies per la bellesa i sobretot l’amistat.
    Abraçades tendres.

  4. Moltes gràcies! S’acaba el 2020 però ens ha deixat l’oportunitat de la reflexió i de valorar tot allò que tenim i que en un no res podem perdre.
    Gràcies Guido per la teva amistat i la bellesa de tot el que creas!

  5. Grazië caro Guido per il libro con bellissimo immagini di Maria. ⭐️Lei mi fa sostegno e fiducia ogni giorno. Ance in gusti tempi confusi.
    Cari saluti da L’Olanda. Spero a primavera ?

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Since 1998, NESHER EDITIONS represents exclusively Guido Dettoni della Grazia’s works of art and projects.

It is a registered Spanish Limited Company based in Barcelona. Legal and operational headquarters in Barcelona. VAT number: ES B66226853

Dal 1998, NESHER EDITIONS rappresenta esclusivamente le opere ei progetti di Guido Dettoni della Grazia.

È un società limitata di diritto spagnolo con sede legale e operativa a Barcellona.
Codice fiscale/partita IVA: ES B66226853