Art for social aid and spirituality
From 2024, the annual net profit from the sales of this e-commerce and the permanent exhibition in Assisi will be donated to social aid.
From 2024, the annual net profit from the sales of this e-commerce and the permanent exhibition in Assisi will be donated to social aid.
Special price to celebrate Mary’s month and that the Santa Maria delle Rose Working Cooperative, which runs the MARIA permanent exhibition in Assisi, has now become a Benefit Corporation.
Claudia de Carlotta mi spediscono ad Assisi questa MARIA di VITE che ha trovato giocando in vigna dove abita e che richiama tantissimo l’opera MARIA
Guido Dettoni della Grazia: “Seeing with your hands and touching with your eyes”, article by Federica Brogna published in
The 80 cm enlargement of the sculpture MARIA by Guido Dettoni made in marble of Saint Tecla has been selected by the Diocesan Museum of Tarragona as a representative of contemporary sacred art in the …
Avvento e Natale nell’anno 2023 | Adviento y Navidad en el año 2023 | Advent i Nadal a l’any 2023 | Advent und Weihnachten im Jahr 2023 | Advento e Natal do ano 2023 | L’ Avent et le Noël de l’année 2023
From 1 to 31 October 2023, MARIA omnia plena by Guido Dettoni della Grazia is exhibited in the Biennal of Contemporary Sacred Art – BACS in Menton.
From 23 July until 30 August 2023, the unpublished work MARIA omnia plena by Guido Dettoni della Grazia will be exhibited at the Diocesan Museum and Crypt of San Rufino in Assisi.
Guido Dettoni della Grazia takes the tangible MARIA Icon further by dressing it with a mesh surface, using digital design and 3D printing.
The sculpture MARIA carved in black Calatorao marble is installed in the parish of Santa Joana Princesa in Lisbon
Visit the new Web of the sculpture MARIA and publish your moments with MARIA on Instagram with #mymaria @mariascultura
The TAU Sculpture, 2 meters high is carved in lime wood. The one of MARIA, with the same height, is carved in red Verona marble.
View it at NESHERGALLERY This Pilgrim’s Cross contains -and it is contained- by the shape of the pilgrim’s shell.The hole evokes the spear of the centurion.By prolonging it, the Cross becomes a cane for the Camino de Santiago. La Cruz del Peregrino contiene, y está contenida, por la forma de
An Italian and worldwide TV channel devoted to spreading the vision of MARY, has recorded a presentation of the permanent “MARIA” exhibition by Guido Dettoni delta Grazia, at the Church of Santa Maria delle Rose in Assisi.
published by Maddalena D’Amico at
How can art contribute to overcoming the current eco-social and spiritual crisis? the Benedictine Nuns Monastery in Montserrat has hosted the first gathering to launch the LAUDATO SI’ project, to face this challenge.
The permanent MARIA exhibition at Santa Maria delle Rose in ASSISI, reopens its doors after the lockdown, on the first of June 2021.
New carving in olive wood from Umbria, of the handheld image of MARY, finished and signed by the artist available at NESHER:GALLERY. As it happens with every wood, every sculpture is unique and unrepeatable.
Interview with Guido Dettoni on Penedés Televisión, broadcast on April 15, 2021. Dettoni mainly talks about his relationship with Vilafranca, his sculpture of Sant Félix and the monumental sculpture Jupiter, located in this city.
Guido Dettoni shaped a handheld sculpture evoking an Eagle. Later he reproduced it, but materializing its reflection like in a mirror. He reached then two EAGLES, left and right.
Sculpture PAU by the artist Guido Dettoni in Hostalets de Pierola (Catalonia). Published by La Vanguardia, Spanish newspaper, national edition and online version, in Spanish and Catalan.
We are approaching the end of a year nobody will ever forget: 2020. We have been asking ourselves what to say to all the people we are in contact with to wish a happy New Year and Christmas. We don’t know what to say, so we choose the
An edition of 7 copies was made of the handheld Icon of Mary enlarged to 31 cm | 12 in sculpture height, cast in white resin with marble powder. These copies can be found at: 1. Polyclinic of Lampedusa 2. Meyer Paediatric Hospital in Florence
Guido Dettoni presents unlimited and limited FineArt printings of some of his paintings and some of his sculptures, revisited by digitally edit them. NESHERGALLERY has designed the offer of these FineArts allowing the end-user to choose, both the printing surfaces –photographic or hand made paper– and also to
Published in Presenza International Press Agency. David Andersson interviews Guido Dettoni on 10.05.2020, from New York
Published in Novena News. Mada Jurado interviews Guido Dettoni on 02.05.2020, in the Viewpoints section
Digital access to reality -the tangible one- becomes the other approach in addition to the presential one: every day more. After twenty years of a simple digital presence in the form of an e-commerce catalog of Guido Dettoni’s works of art, NESHEREDITIONS SL has decided to face the
Guido Dettoni della Grazia‘s works are tactile and not conceived as unicum, but rather as multiples of the original,
produced in limited an unlimited number of different materials and sizes.
The administrative management of this e-commerce site is held by NESHER EDITIONS SL.
From 2024, the COOPERATIVA SANTA MARIA DELLE ROSE di Assisi is the beneficiary of the net revenues of this e-commerce due to the “Social Aid Policy” officially adopted.
Via Santa Maria delle Rose 10, Assisi (Italy)
Registered with the Registry of Companies of Perugia on December 7, 2012 , with protocol no. 42.205.